
Script 1

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Script 1

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Script 1

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Script 1

Script 2

Always has been meme template

Always has been meme template

Always has been meme template





Depicting a moment of sudden realization or the unveiling of a hidden truth, often used to highlight something that was true all along.

When to use:

Illustrating the moment of realization, highlighting hidden truths, or emphasizing the idea that something has always been the case.

Script 1:


Astronaut 1: "Wait, it's all [A general misconception or traditional way of doing things]?" Astronaut 2: "Always has been" Caption: Until [Your Product]

Script 2:


Astronaut 1: "Wait, it's all [An old-fashioned solution or an inferior product]?" Astronaut 2: "Always has been” 
Caption: Used to be relevant before [Your Product]


The "Always has been" meme features an astronaut looking at Earth from space, with another astronaut pointing a gun at him, revealing that what he thought was a new discovery was actually true all along. This meme is widely used to depict moments of sudden realization or to highlight something that has always been the case but was only just recognized. For marketers, this meme is perfect for emphasizing core truths about your product, illustrating the idea that certain benefits have always been part of your brand, or unveiling industry realities that customers may not have noticed.

Marketing Applications

The "Always has been" meme is ideal for scenarios that involve realizations, uncovering truths, or reinforcing long-standing facts. Here’s how it can be applied in marketing:

  1. Revealing core product truths
    Use the meme to emphasize features or benefits of your product that have always been there, reinforcing the idea that your brand consistently delivers on its promises.

  2. Highlighting industry realities
    Leverage the meme to point out truths about your industry that may have been overlooked, positioning your brand as knowledgeable and insightful.

  3. Emphasizing timeless benefits
    The meme can be used to showcase how certain advantages of your product have always been part of your offering, helping to build trust and credibility with your audience.

By incorporating the "Always has been" meme into your marketing strategy, you can effectively communicate longstanding truths, highlight key product benefits, and connect with your audience through moments of realization—all while keeping your messaging engaging and impactful.

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